The Russian invasion of Ukraine was the subject of an official note by the president of the National Congress, Senator Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), this Thursday (24th). accompanies “with growing concern the escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine”.
“As president of the National Congress and on behalf of my peers, we reaffirm the need for a broad, peaceful and democratic dialogue with a view to a quick negotiated solution that contemplates the legitimate interests of the parties involved”, emphasizes the senator.
Pacheco assessed that the magnitude of the current crisis and its rapid deterioration have the potential for political, economic and social impacts that are difficult to imagine. The congressman reaffirmed the Brazilian Parliament’s belief in democracy, harmonious coexistence, respect for human rights and multilateralism enshrined in the principles of the United Nations, in addition to the expectation of a peaceful, mutually agreed solution to the current conflict.
Foreign Affairs Commission
Also in a note, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and National Defense of the Chamber of Deputies said that it “strongly” repudiates the attacks on Ukrainian territory. “Russian bombings against Ukraine, a sovereign country that won its independence in 1991, violate international rules and norms and must be strongly condemned by multilateral bodies and democratic governments”, highlighted the commission’s president, deputy Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG). ).
The communiqué reiterates that the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) is the appropriate forum for the peaceful resolution of conflicts. “We encourage Brazil, through its diplomacy and with a seat in this UN body, to act objectively and clearly for the benefit of dialogue and the construction of an agenda for lasting peace and security.”