After the resignation of Hugo Chavez Arevalo to the management of Petroperuthe Comptroller General of the Republic, Nelson Shack, pointed out that the state company is losing credibility, but hopes that, with the new management and leadership team, the markets will react favorably.
“The company is going through a series of difficulties, as a result of the potential risks of this loss of credibility in corporate governance, but I estimate that as changes are made, with the new technical management and direction team that has to be taking charge of this company, I understand that the markets will react favorably and this situation can be overcome”, said the comptroller in an interview in Punto Final.
Likewise, Shack indicated that in the state oil company there were a series of risks associated with transparencies and indications of corruption that have led us to this situation.
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In that sense, he stated that there are a dozen cases in Petroperú that are being investigated.
“Our reports come out in two or three months, that’s why biodiesel 1 and 2 or the use of the official vehicle will come to light in April. In addition, we have more than a dozen cases, not only from this administration but from the previous one. We must remember that the Comptroller’s Office does subsequent control, so this 2022 we will see things that we left in 2020 and 2021 because we were in COVID-19 mode“, he pointed.
Regarding the changes that will take place in Petroperú, the comptroller commented that due to everything that has happened (on allegations of alleged corruption) the Executive will appoint suitable people to the position.
“A management and leadership team must enter that are honest, whose suitability is beyond doubt, have the capacity and are brave to carry out all the reforms that Petroperú needs”, he narrowed down.
He added that if the credibility problem is not fixed, then “we are going to have medium and long-term financial effects”.
Audit to Petroperu
On the other hand, Nelson Shack said that April 5 is the deadline for the appointment of the firm of the auditor for Petroperú.
“We hope that there are internationally renowned auditing firms willing to audit Petroperú’s financial statements.”, he pointed out.