Colombian spices that are tradition to flavor your meals

Colombian spices that are tradition to flavor your meals

Spices are an essential part in the preparation of the food we consume daily, and have been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes, for food preservation, and to flavor the foods we preparethat’s why they are also known as condiments.

In colombiathere is a great inclination for salty spices, and to use them ground or cutthe most traditional being the cilantro; coriander; parsley; nutmeg; saffron and achiote.

Spices are grouped into families, taking into account aspects such as their flavor, a category in which there are five subgroups: sweet, salty, sour, spicy and sour.

They can also be classified by their taxonomy, whether it is leaves, stems, seeds or roots; they are usually found dry; fresh; liquid or ground.

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Although Colombian cuisine is the result of the mixture of cultures such as indigenous, Spanish and African, each region of the country has its gastronomy that represents it.

The food of the Colombian indigenous people before the arrival of the Spaniards was native products from hunting, fishing, fruits and tubers. Following the discovery of America, new ingredients were added to the indigenous diet Forming the bases of Colombian cuisine.


It is an herb but it is a spice at the same time because its dried seeds are used as a spice. all its parts are edible (leaves and stems), dried seeds are aromatic.

In colombia there are two varieties, one of warm weather with large, light green leaves and another cold weather dark green, very fine leaves and more aromatic.

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Coriander is also known as alcapate, ground coriander, mountain coriander, sabanero coriander, and wild coriander. Nevertheless, this should not be confused, coriander and wild coriander are two different plants.

The Cimarron coriander It is an herb with rough leaves and serrated edges, it has a strong flavor and penetrating aroma, it is widely used in the Colombian Pacific region. Its origin is uncertain just like coriander.


It is intense green in color, its leaves are the edible part used as a condiment, they have a very pronounced flavor. Parsley is also native to the eastern Mediterranean. Chinese parsley, curly parsley: its consumption is lower. It has curly leaves lighter green color and is less aromatic.


The nutmeg is actually the wrapper of the seed covered by a fleshy covering of reddish color. When this wrapper is separated from the rest of the fruit, it is called mace and is used in the same way as the seed. This spice is also native to the Moluccas Islands in Indonesia.

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This seasoning is among the most expensive in the world “Red Gold” as some call it because of its high price. Her scent It’s strong and exotic contains a carotenoid-type dye called crocin what gives a yellow color to food.


Annatto is a vegetable colorant, in addition to being part of a condiment in many preparations, it is a good substitute for saffron. can be found in seeds, in powder, in paste, in oil.

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