Colombia Patients Organization calls for a march against the reform

Colombia Patients Organization calls for a march against the reform

The organization Colombia patientswhich is a social movement made up of 195 patient organizations throughout the country, objected to the health reform presented by the government of Gustavo Petro and that has generated controversy in different sectors.

As a result of these questions, they called marches in different cities to make your concerns public.

(You might be interested in: The costs that generate criticism of the health reform).

They see in this health system access to comprehensive care and the possibility of meeting each of the actors in the health system and consider that “Government reform does not solve the main problem that users and patients have today: the lack of medical specialists that generates long times on the waiting list for appointments“.

With the reform we all lose our affiliation to the health system and lose the possibility of choosing where to receive care. We will have to wait in line and do the paperwork to register with each member of the family where they will attend us and the right to effective participation“adds the union in a statement issued.

(Read: Tax reform: this is how the deadlines for the payment of taxes will apply).

Another of the points that they question is that in the reform project it is not clear the route that the users of the system can follow to obtain solutions, because with the current system “When users have a problem due to denial or delay, the path is clear and it is known who to take care of“.

They criticize, as well as analysts, politicians and economists, that with this initiative, the territorial funds that They will create money as political loot or as a great source of corruption, as has happened before with so many cartels“.

Patients Colombia sees the good possibilities that exist in the commitment to Primary Care Centers (Capiris), but they do not want that “there is only one place to start being cared for. What happens if I am not satisfied with the service provided at the place
assigned? Today we are treated by general medicine and basic services with high quality
in many hospitals and private clinics
“, to which they add that there is no clarity of input based on these centers, the costs, the implementation of equipment and that it is not known what can happen to the patients when many EPS end up liquidated.

(Don’t stop reading: Health reform: Petro will receive party proposals for changes).

Additionally, they question the capacity that these primary care centers could have and the possibility of meeting the needs of patients. On the other hand, they do not know if the care programs for patients with high-cost diseases will continue to function.

One of the points they mention is the management of health resources and patient care in the transition stage to a new system.

The marches are called for the friday march 3 in: Cartagena, Sincelejo, Montería, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, Bucaramanga and Cúcuta, while for Thursday March 9 They will be in Bogotá, Medellín, Cali and Popayán.


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