“If the PRI bothers with the CFE contract so that the responsibility of the CFE is evidenced, which of course it has, then Morena goes wrong in the elections, but if Morena throws herself against the PRI, she hits Riquelme in the elections, then I think they are going to agree to impunity, ‘neither you affect me, nor I affect you until the elections are over,’” warns Cristina Auerbach.
The activist calls on the government to end the impunity pact, despite the fact that this entails uncovering the sewer of irregularities with which the mines operate in Coahuila.
“We ask that they break the impunity pact. In rancherías they didn’t break it, everything remained the same, but everything has remained the same since Pasta de Conchos. The fear is that if they open this sewer they will have to explain why they haven’t opened the others. Why not reopen the investigation in Pasta de Conchos? ”, He highlights.
When President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was asked if those responsible would be investigated, he replied that the priority is the rescue of the miners and then justice will come.
“First the rescue and don’t worry about the rest, there will be justice. We will not forget, we will always help. We go first to the rescue, it is what matters most to us, the rest is justice and there will be justice, ”he said after his visit to the area of the incident.
Activist Cristina Auerbach differs, saying that releasing the names of those responsible could be done simultaneously.
“Even if everyone was carrying water with a bucket, they should be publishing the contracts, why wait for the rescue to end? Nor that the entire state apparatus is busy carrying water, ”she criticizes.
What can happen, alert, is that those responsible flee. Because of the actions of the government itself, they are being given time to evade their responsibilities.
“They are giving them time to leave,” he warns.