Home South AmericaVenezuela CNE publishes centers enabled for simulation of this 30J

CNE publishes centers enabled for simulation of this 30J

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Clase obrera universitaria se adhiere al Referéndum Consultivo del 3D

The National Electoral Council (CNE) published the list of voting centers enabled for the simulation this Sunday, June 30, when a total of 1,000 voting centers will be active. 1,174 centers distributed throughout the countrys, with the aim of familiarizing the Venezuelan population with the presidential election that will take place on July 28, as well as to verify the operation of the automated voting system.

Caracas will have more authorized spaces for Sunday’s simulation, with 94 electoral centers and 228 tables. Furthermore, to participate it is not necessary to be registered at a specific voting center; in this sense, voters can go to the nearest authorized one.

Meanwhile, in the interior of the country you can participate in the states of Anzoátegui (73), Apure (25), Aragua (71), Barinas (38), Bolívar (44), Carabobo (70), Cojedes (23), Falcón ( 56), Guárico (49), Lara (39), Mérida (58), Miranda (97), Monagas (31), Nueva Esparta (29), Portuguesa (44), Sucre (41), Táchira (70), Trujillo (47), Yaracuy (32), Zulia (94), Amazonas (9), Delta Amacuro (8) and La Guaira (32).

In the upcoming elections you are called to vote 21 million 392 thousand 464 Venezuelansaccording to the figures from the definitive Electoral Registry published in Electoral Gazette No. 1057 dated June 1, 2024.

Also, the Electoral Registry denotes that 69,211 people will be able to vote abroad, in turn 22,144 voters were disincorporated due to deaths and other objections.


Source: CNE


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