The actress Cecilia (Chichila) Navia, remembered for characterizing various characters on Colombian television and well remembered for being part of the “Oki Doki” program in the 90s, referred to a negative event she experienced while recording.
In the middle of an interview for a program dedicated to entertainment, the actress commented: “we were a very famous musical group and suddenly… they decided that to make it more commercialthey had to reduce the number of members and the gorditas blew us up”.
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Netizens were quick to react to this news, speculating that the show he was referring to was “Okey dokey”, in which he played “highlights”, one of the most beloved characters in the series, this being one of the first roles that catapulted her in her artistic career.
There are rumors that “oki doki” might come backbut on this occasion and to the sadness of many it will not be on the small screen, it would be an interpretation made in theater, it is to be expected if his return is confirmed.
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Carolina launched in recent days, along with her partner Santiago Alarcon, an youtube channel called “Canal Familio”, in which they tell anecdotes and difficulties that happen in their lives, at the moment they have 20,000 subscribers.