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Chamber approves MP with permanent floor of R$ 400 for Auxílio Brasil

The plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved this Wednesday (27) the provisional measure that increased the minimum amount of Auxílio Brasil to R$ 400. The text makes this floor permanent. The matter goes to the Senate for analysis.Chamber approves MP with permanent floor of R$ 400 for Auxílio Brasil

Initially, the text sent by the government provided for the payment of this supplement only until December of that year. After pressure from party leaders, the rapporteur of the proposal, deputy João Roma (PL-BA), included the permanent nature of the extra benefit to complement the value of Auxílio Brasil until reaching the minimum of R$ 400 per family. Opposition parliamentarians tried to raise it to R$600, but the amount was rejected by the rapporteur.

It is estimated that the government needs R$41 billion a year to fund the supplementary benefit, almost the same amount used to pay Auxílio Brasil, around R$47.5 billion.

closed season insurance

João Roma included a section that limits to 30% discounts on the amount paid monthly to families who receive closed-end insurance during the first six months of operation of Auxílio Brasil.

“Under the current rules, these vulnerable families could have 100% of the monthly benefit amounts withheld for this purpose, which we deem convenient to avoid at this difficult time”, explained the deputy.

PEC of Precatórios

The expansion of Auxílio Brasil was made possible after approval of the PEC dos Precatórios, which included a provision that determines that every Brazilian in a vulnerable situation is entitled to a basic family income, guaranteed by the government. According to the rapporteur, the number of beneficiaries served by the aid jumped from 14 million to more than 18 million.

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