The Chamber of Deputies concluded today (10) the vote on Provisional Measure (MP) 1070/21 that allows the use of resources from the National Public Security Fund (FNSP) to subsidize own homes for professionals in the area with gross remuneration of up to R$ 7 thousand. The basic text of the MP was approved last night. This Thursday, the deputies voted on the highlights with changes in the text, but none were approved. The proposal now goes to the Senate for analysis and must be voted on by February 21 or it will expire.
The MP creates the National Housing Acquisition Support Program for Public Security Professionals (Habite Seguro) which grants a financial subsidy to security professionals who do not have property or financing in their name. The limit of the property to be financed will be R$ 300 thousand and the subsidy varies according to the income bracket.
The program, which will be managed by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security with the participation of Caixa Econômica Federal, also provides for differentiated real estate credit conditions for professionals in the area.
The text says that active professionals, from the reserve, retired or retired, from the careers of civil police, military, federal, federal highway, penal, firefighters, penitentiary agents, experts and municipal guards will be able to access the program.
Spouses and dependents of a professional who died as a result of the exercise of the position can also count on the same conditions offered to the beneficiaries.
The MP also provides that other categories of public servants, such as socio-educational agents, traffic agents and legislative police, will be able to count on the special conditions offered by financial agents, but will not be able to receive the subsidy.