The Chamber of Deputies approved this Tuesday (2) a provisional measure (MP) that changes the model of analysis of requests for benefits to the National Institute of Social Security (INSS). According to the text, passing through a federal medical examination is waived for requests for temporary disability assistance (formerly sickness benefit). The text goes to the Senate for analysis.
According to the text approved by the deputies, an act of the Ministry of Labor and Welfare will define the conditions for the exemption from the exam, when the granting or not of aid for temporary incapacity will be subject only to documentary analysis, including medical certificates and reports. This model was used in 2020 and 2021 due to restrictions caused by the covid-19 pandemic.
The rapporteur of the approved text, deputy Silas Câmara (Republicans-AM) introduced some changes to the MP, such as the permission of remote medical expertise, the facilitation of registration of special insured persons referring to artisanal fishermen and the permission to the INSS to enter into partnerships for conduct social assessments.
According to the federal government, the purpose of the MP is to reduce the waiting period for scheduling the Federal Medical Expertise, which currently takes an average of 60 days and has 738,000 pending requests.
* With information from the Câmara de Notícias Agency