Today: October 25, 2024
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North America - Page 860

latest news from Latin countries of North America
#FreeZone |  Mexico and our social duel

#FreeZone | Fentanyl: cyclone of death

COVID-19 potentially exacerbated drug use, due to mass depression, constant anxiety, and citizen uncertainty. Perhaps when we deal with the issue of addictions we imagine poor neighborhoods, delinquency and violence. However, it
June 15, 2022
Adjustments in 44% of the first circle of the President

Imanol Ordorika: Rafael, where are they?

More than 100 thousand disappeared, women and men with names and surnames, families and personal stories. The total figures are shocking; each absence is touching. Rafael Ramírez Duarte is one of them.
June 15, 2022
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