Today: October 18, 2024
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North America - Page 1216

latest news from Latin countries of North America
Opponents celebrate the ruling of the SCJN on tax crimes

Urges UNEP to finance adaptation to global warming

Angelica Enciso L. La Jornada newspaperFriday, November 5, 2021, p. 3 Although policies and planning for adaptation to climate change increase, financing and implementation of measures still lag behind, warns the Adaptation
November 6, 2021
The US economy adds 531,000 new jobs

The US economy adds 531,000 new jobs

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast a payroll increase by 450,000 jobs. Estimates ranged from a low of 125,000 positions to a high of 755,000. The worker shortage persisted, even as federally
November 5, 2021
#AMLOTrackingPoll AMLO Approval, November 5

#AMLOTrackingPoll AMLO Approval, November 5

The #AMLOTrackingPoll is a daily statistical exercise on the approval or disapproval of the management of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, carried out by Consulta Mitofsky by Roy Campos for El Economista.
November 5, 2021
Selfie hunt pause

Selfie hunt pause

▲ Former President Felipe Calderón was captured in a cafeteria within the facilities where the Glasgow Climate Summit (COP26) is held. The former president, who has been hunting for selfies with the
November 5, 2021
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