Unlike the Glorieta de las Mujeres que Luchan, where the Antimonument has been left in place, the capital’s government removed the images of missing women, children and men the next day and
Two years after the social confinement was announced due to the pandemicthe return to physical work spaces represented a new challenge for companies dedicated to office rentals, which have had to adapt
Carolina Gomez Mena and Carlos Figueroa reporter and correspondent Newspaper La JornadaSunday May 22, 2022, p. 12 After seven and a half years of imprisonment accused of kidnapping, the Guatemalan migrant Chuj
mourn his murder After the crime, politicians and friends lamented the death of the activist, including the mayor of San Pedro Cholula, Paola Angón, who offered the job in a coordinated manner
In Mexico, prostate cancer is the number one tumor that affects men over 50 years of age, and its incidence increases with age. In interview with The EconomistDr. Miguel Ángel Jiménez Ríos,
In a few days, a march of approximately 200 Wixaritari will arrive in Mexico City, coming from the Wixárika community of Sebastián Teponahuaxtlán and its annex Tuxpan, from the municipalities of Mezquitic
Concesiones de placas de taxi, residencias por un valor de 128 millones de pesos y denuncias ante la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) salieron a relucir en un intercambio de palabras
App Newspaper La JornadaSaturday May 21, 2022, p. 8 Berlin. The Group of Seven (G-7), which brings together the world’s largest economies, announced plans to strengthen early epidemiological warning systems for the