Cáritas de Jinotega "agonizes" because the Government retains endorsement for it to continue operating

Cáritas de Jinotega “agonizes” because the Government retains endorsement for it to continue operating

The Ministry of Charity, a non-profit association, Caritas de Jinotega, which was created by the Catholic Church to care for the most dispossessed in this area, would be coming to an end, due to the fact that the Nicaraguan dictatorship, through the Ministry of the Interior, has not wanted to give the endorsement for it to continue operating and there is no financial support, said an anonymous source.

As they do not have the letter of endorsement from the Government, donor agencies do not provide financing. The year 2022 was already closed with “red balances and consequently the CEN (Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua) is requesting the closure of Cáritas, which has been very painful for the monsignor,” said the source, referring to the hierarch Carlos Enrique Herrera, who is the national president of that charity.

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A former director of Cáritas affirms that the closure of this NGO would be devastating for the poorest, since the San Vicente de Paul nursing home directly depends on it, which currently houses 53 elderly people who have nowhere to live.

The closure of the ministry of charity will affect the different projects of Cáritas, which benefited the most needy in the department of Jinotega. Photo: Article 66 / United Voices

Likewise, they helped with food banks for the poor, covered the costs of trips to the doctor for people with terminal illnesses, gave away crutches and prostheses to people in need, provided low-cost medicines in coordination with the John XXIII Institute and other charitable works. charity that the population requested at the headquarters of Cáritas, located in the City of Mists.

will hit economy

Cáritas also had a seed bank to help the production of basic grains in the communities, it also executed a water and sanitation development plan and provided loans with affordable interest. If the definitive closure occurs, this part of the population will be severely hit in its already precarious family economy.

A former worker of Cáritas maintains that if the final closure occurs, some five hundred people would be left behind with the projects that this association developed with donor organizations, since they trained groups of women to start small businesses, such as selling bread, sewing, poultry barnyard, among others.

The parishes that belong to the diocese of Jinotega trained their pastoral agents thanks to the collaboration of Cáritas, hundreds of them received training on charity, human rights, women’s empowerment and the media, in addition to being provided with some accessories to develop in digital media.

job loss

Unemployment to plant personnel is inevitable. In Jinotega alone, 20 people would be left without work and at a national level, some 600 would go to the streets if Cáritas was closed.

A source close to the diocese of Jinotega announced that the Catholic hierarchy would be moving its influences to prevent the buildings and vehicles of this religious association from being confiscated.

The Sandinista dictatorship closed the year 2022 with 3,350 NGOs canceled through the National Assembly, controlled entirely by pro-government deputies.

By: United Voices

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