Home North AmericaMexico Canela Crespo* and Joel Hernán Verón**: The way out of the crisis will be regional or it will not be

Canela Crespo* and Joel Hernán Verón**: The way out of the crisis will be regional or it will not be

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The global economic context post-pandemic and multi-war is not encouraging; The visible results are the increase in inequality and a global crisis of the capitalist system. In Latin America, at the beginning of the 21st century, there was a marked trend of political processes embodied in governments, whose economic models claimed sovereignty over resources that had been historically plundered and promoted an important redistribution process that enhanced regional economic development.

Today, there are still political forces that govern with this trend, such as in Mexico and Honduras, and at the same time, there are also other countries in which we see stagnation or even a setback, such as in Bolivia, Argentina and Ecuador.

Furthermore, it turns out that long-term economic models are limited by liberal democracy, which forces them to prioritize electoral schemes over social needs and this is reinforced by the fact that we are increasingly accustomed to shorter government cycles. Therefore, this article aims to propose ideas for a way out of the economic crisis from a local perspective that overcomes these limitations.

The precursors of neoliberal discourses propose that one of the most controversial phenomena in which economic crises are visible is inflation, and that this is caused by the monetary issue, although we know that it is not the only reason and that there are other types of influences.

According to Richard H. Thaler, we can understand the economy from a psychological perspective based on the behavior of the subjects; Therefore, there is a manifestation of the behavior of oligarchies, their individualistic philosophy and their habits of capital concentration, on the economy.

Proposing a regional solution to the neoliberal attacks and economic crises involves generating responsibilities in formal institutions but also at the level of people’s diplomacy. We know that the region has an economy mainly based on primary activities and we also know that it is necessary to encourage value addition and the development of industrialization processes in areas such as agriculture, hydrocarbons, fishing, forestry and mining; However, we propose that the strategy that enhances productivity with value addition be done from a regional perspective.

In this case, a new idea of ​​international division of labor is pertinent, thinking collectively, communally, depatriarchalizing, regionalized and horizontal for the promotion of the Latin American internal market. It is no less important to assume that global hegemonic logic considers institutionalized capitalism as the basis for organizing life and generating wealth. The task is the deconstruction of these ideas and the empowerment of popular and community economies beyond borders.

There are several ways to do this, for example, promoting the development of collective, cooperative and/or community productive units outside the capitalist order and democratizing the technology available in the demarcation.

This month of June, fundamental international spaces for progressivism and the left in the region are planned, such as the Sao Paulo Forum, the CELAC Summit and the CELAC Social, so it is necessary that proposals that overcome the systems of domination be discussed there. current, keeping in mind that only together do we move forward.



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