July 6, 2022, 23:30 PM
July 6, 2022, 23:30 PM
Two days after the closing of registrations for candidates for Comptroller General of the State, the mixed commission of Economic Planning received the envelopes of three people; two of the three have already applied to other calls and were eliminated in the first phase. The first woman who presented her documents is a public official.
The two boys are Cyborg Kanashiro Bronks and René Choque Mamani. The first one was presented to five previous calls and now it is the sixth attempt, this time he said that he proposes a fully digitized Comptroller’s Office and that he can rent services to other countries.
In the summons to the Ombudsman, in March of this year, Kanashiro showed up and failed 16 of the 18 requirements, he only presented his birth certificate and for that reason he was disqualified as soon as the requirements review process began.
René Choque Mamani was the third applicant who arrived with his documents to the registration offices in the Assembly. this citizen He also presented himself as a candidate for Ombudsman, now try to be Comptroller. In the first process he was disqualified for not having a military service record and not having a recognized track record in the defense of Human Rights. Like Kanashiro he was disabled in the first phase of that process.
The only woman who came to these offices She is a former official of the same Comptroller General of the State (CGE), María Teresa Valdez de Candia and now works as part of the General Personal Identification Service (Segip).
They are the only three people who arrived so far when less than 48 hours to go before registration closes of candidates in this process that even contemplates legislative vacation, which indicates that there is not much interest in rushing the process.
On July 4, in a night ceremony that took place in the Casa Grande del Pueblo, President Luis Arce took possession of Nora Herminia Mamani Cabrera, “until the Assembly designates a head”, sentenced the Head of State that night.