Thus, a comprehensive action plan is carried out that must be fulfilled by both the different areas of the INE and the Local Public Electoral Bodies (OPLEs), in the organization of local elections or shared powers.
These activities entail the use of resources that guarantee the call to vote for the more than 11.6 million citizens who in those six states will be summoned to vote in the 21,068 polling stations that are expected to be installed and that will open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. :00 hours.
Also for the hiring of 708 Electoral Supervisors (SE) and 1,218 Electoral Assistant Trainers (CAEs).
In addition to this, there is the preparation of training materials and for the issuance of the vote; the rental of furniture and equipment for the polls, in addition to the transfer of electoral materials and packages to all corners of the six states.
For this contest, the Institute also contemplated resources for the purchase of supplies that guarantee all health protocols against Covid-19, in order to protect citizens who come to exercise their right to vote.
“The right to vote is compatible with the right to health of all,” the electoral body said.