It is directed in this first instance to deaf people. The service covers the activities of the MVOT of which ANV and Mevir. The service can be requested in person at the service desk, as well as through a video call to 098 635462, contact that the interpreter makes to the person who needs it, at no cost to the user.
In the month of July, 27 video calls were answered, most of them for inquiries about subsidies and rental guarantees. It should be clarified that the video call allows everyone to have equal access to this service, even if they are in the interior of the country.
Regarding face-to-face care, in July, 18 cases were attended to at the MVOT, 11 at the ANV and 2 at the BHU. Among the consultations that are carried out are the regularization of debts, information to access the programs and guarantees to rent, and opening savings accounts in the BHU. Sign language brings information to everyone, without exception, which means that deaf people are on an equal footing when it comes to accessing services.