artichoke benefits
This food, which can be eaten raw, boiled, roasted and in a salad, mainly helps the digestive system, since it increases the production of bile, combats nausea, whets the appetite and serves as a purifier for the liver.
On the other hand, this plant has great benefits for the brain. According to a study shared by the General Library of Medicine, “there have been antioxidant, choleretic, hepatoprotective, bile-enhancing and lipid-lowering effects, that corresponded to its historical use. Ongoing research seems to indicate that the artichoke has medicinal qualities.”
Also, during this study it was found that the liquid extracts of artichoke roots and leaves protect the liver and prevent problems “intestinal digestives”.
According to the General Council of Pharmaceutical Colleges of Spain, the European drug agency approves the use of this plant for the symptomatic treatment of some digestive disorders.