Madrid Spain.- Cuban biologist Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, on hunger and thirst strike for 12 days, has not received a response from the United Nations Organization (UN) for his case, despite the fact that this Thursday he received several visits from officials of the entity .
Faced with this situation, Urquiola assured that “the strike continues” and that “he will continue fighting until his body resists.”
Through a direct transmitted by CyberCuba, the opponent expressed: “To those people who have come here, I only say one thing, just like Michelle Bachelet (UN High Commissioner for Human Rights): Michelle Bachelet I am already on day 11, unlike when I was in prison I don’t have constant serum since the sixth day, so I could go into cardiac or respiratory arrest at any time. And the responsibility is all yours.”
As he explained, these officials gave him their word that there will be a solution for his case and for the lawsuit he has filed regarding the Cuban regime’s refusal to allow his sister, Omara Ruiz Urquiola, to enter the island, “but I don’t need a word, I need a document,” said the activist.
He also stressed that with his strike “demand rights and freedoms.”
“Nothing extraordinary is being asked of them (from the UN). They are not being asked to put my sister on an American airline and fly her to Cuba. She is only telling them to condemn what is in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is all that I have asked for and here I will remain, ”she added.
“We will see who wins in this fight, if all the injustice that is inside the Wilson Palace or if the Justice that fits in a human being who knows how to defend himself tooth and nail. Let’s see who wins this pulse. Anyway, the Wilson Palace is exposed. I believe that it is not a palace of human rights”, concluded Ruiz Urquiola.
For this Friday afternoon, a white march has been called in solidarity with Ariel Ruiz Urquiola.
People in Geneva to support the Cuban biologist and demand respect for human rights should arrive in front of the Wilson Palace, dressed in white, to carry out a silent protest.
Ruiz Urquiola went on strike in order to demand the intervention of the United Nations before the prohibition of the Cuban regime to enter the Island to her sister, the activist Omara Ruiz Urquiola.
In addition to keeping during all these days without ingesting food or water, the scientist also suppressed the medications of his HIV treatment, which was diagnosed almost three years ago, for which his life is in constant danger.
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