Home South AmericaVenezuela ARI Móvil returns to Puente Hierro to screen the film Coco

ARI Móvil returns to Puente Hierro to screen the film Coco

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ARI Móvil returns to Puente Hierro to screen the film Coco

Around 25 residents of the community, mostly children, attended the broadcast of the renowned PIXAR film

Author: Adriana Materano

Little by little, adults and children from the community of Las Flores de Puente Hierro arrived to see the announced movie Coco. Gathered in front of the truck, many brought their stools while others sat on the pavement. Although there was attendance, people from the communal council compared the number present with the local population, denouncing the lack of participation of the neighbors.

Neighbors of the community enjoy the screening of the movie Coco. Credits: Adriana Materano

After ensuring that the last rays of the sun would not affect the lighting of the projection, the information truck of the Rebel Alliance Investigates from El Pitazo, Runrun.es and SuchWhich It began its performance after 7:00 pm That Saturday, June 8, the weather forecast was favorable, however, a few drops fell while Miguel, the main character of the story, discovers the truth
about Ernesto de la Cruz, the singer he had admired so much.

Children from the Puente de Hierro community enjoying the screening of the film Coco. Credits: Adriana Materano

Despite the threat of rain, those present were still hooked on the children’s drama, laughing, and sharing the moment as a community. The La Pepa location next to the ARI Móvil distributed cotufas and soft drinks as a snack to the children and adults who were enjoying the film.

At the end of the film, the applause was immediate. Mr. José, father of one of the children and neighbor of the community, appreciated the activity in which he confessed to having been moved by the animated plot. “You don’t know what you have until you lose it, at this age I can tell you that I didn’t know what I had until I lost it.

Unfortunately I didn’t value it, so that cuteness must be instilled in children,” he said thoughtfully while watching the credits on the screen.

Mr. José’s son enjoying the movie Coco. Credits: Adriana Materano

The information truck said goodbye to the Flores de Puente Hierro with the request of the community council and the neighbors present to continue carrying out recreational activities for children and adults in the community.

*Read also: Thirty children from El Hatillo enjoyed a movie Friday with ARI Móvil

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