Inflation is a global problem. The prices of petroleum derivatives have risen dramatically, and everywhere we complain about what we have to pay for fossil fuel.
In the United States it has reached figures above US$6 per gallon, something they hadn’t remembered for a long time, say some who haven’t experienced a situation like this -of an inflationary nature- almost in double digits for more than forty years.
The rulers believe that these are international factors stemming from the war between Russia and Ukraine. Others affirm that the oil tankers must recover the losses they had in a world that practically stayed in the pandemic for a long time.
Some of the applications, and even more surprising in a country like the United States, which is a large producer of hydrocarbons but which, however, requires government consent so that they can drill more wells, as oil tankers pressure.
Others affirm that behind this there is nothing more than an economic manipulation that has put the prices of food and other derivatives through the roof, and there are complaints against the Biden administration.