As of tomorrow (16), candidates, parties and federations are free to carry out electoral propaganda on the internet and on the streets. Candidates will have 46 days to ask the voter to vote.
Until October 1st, the day before the first shift, walks, motorcades with a sound car, distribution of campaign material, rallies and purchase of paid advertising in the media are allowed.
The rallies can be held between 8 am and midnight, a time that can be extended by another two hours in the case of a campaign. Sound cars are allowed to travel on the streets between 8 am and 10 pm. Free showmice are prohibited by law.
The distribution of campaign material by candidates during marches or motorcades can only be done until 10 pm.
Parties and candidates will also be able to buy up to ten electoral propaganda ads in different newspapers and magazines, on different dates, respecting the maximum space per edition of an eighth per page of a newspaper and a quarter of a magazine page.
On the internet, electoral propaganda can be done in websites and social networks, but must be identified as advertising and display the name of the candidate, party, coalition or federation. Advertising through telemarketing is also prohibited.
Boosting content by supporters is prohibited. Messages can only be sent to voters who voluntarily register to receive them.
Free electoral propaganda on radio and television begins on August 26th.
The first round takes place on October 2, when voters go to the polls to elect the President of the Republic, governors, senators, federal, state and district deputies. An eventual runoff for the presidential race and state governments will be on October 30th.