The higher courts resume the work of the second semester this Monday (1st). After a 30-day recess period, the magistrates resume collegiate sessions to judge actions scheduled for the coming months.
The session of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) will begin at 3 pm. The Court will continue the judgment that deals with the legality of charging environmental inspection fees on mining activities.
On Wednesday (3), the Supreme Court will judge the constitutionality of the changes made to the Administrative Improbity Law, through Law 14.230/2021. Ministers will decide whether the rule retroacts to benefit people convicted before the law is enacted.
During the month of August, the STF must also judge the constitutionality of the special prison for people with higher education, changes in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) for the creation of the intermittent work contract and questioning of associations of magistrates against the federalization of crimes against human rights.
The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) also resumes sessions this Monday. The court’s plenary meets to form the first triple list for the composition of the newly created Federal Regional Court of the 6th Region (TRF6), which will be headquartered in Belo Horizonte and will be made up of 18 judges.
At the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), the body responsible for organizing the elections, the first session of the second semester is scheduled for 7 pm. On the agenda are two resources related to the 2020 elections.