The Minister of Agriculture, Esteban Valenzuelahas presented the weekly report of the indicator Best Seasonal Foods (MAT) prepared by the Office of Agrarian Studies and Policies (ODEPA), in which he highlighted the convenient prices of meat, fruit, vegetables and vegetables for consumers, according to the variations of the last four weeks.
Among the products that have decreased in price, the chicken is one of the highlights.
According to the Minister of Agriculture, “99% of white meat production is free of avian influenza, and chicken is one of the most accessible products in all channels, particularly in traditional butcher shops and supermarkets.” Besides, you can find a kilo of chicken from $2,400 pesos, a great opportunity to prepare different cheap and delicious dishes.
If you are a lover of Pork Meatwe tell you that the center chop has gone down in most regions where the index is created. In nublefor example, is a little more than $4,000/kgwith a 12% decrease in the last four weeks.
But if you prefer fruits, there is also good news! The Orange It is one of the most outstanding products for its price.
According to the Minister, “products are coming ahead of us thanks to the greater production of Atacama and Coquimbo, one of the aspects that caught our attention about this MAT is that it is already at $1,200 – $1,300 per kilo of oranges.”
Not only that, you can also take advantage of the vegetables that are 50% cheaper at free fairs, As the zucchini and paprikawhich are at 3 for $1,000 at some fairs. Also, the sweet potato squash It has dropped in price in recent weeks, so you can take advantage of it to make soup, pastry or creams.
As you can see, there are several options to eat well without spending a lot of money. Follow the recommendations of the Minister of Agriculture and enjoy the best seasonal foods at convenient prices. Enjoy!