The head of the Ministry of Education (Minedu), Rosendo Serna, summoned this Monday the general secretary of the Unitary Union of Workers in Education of Peru (Sutep), Lucio Castro, to call a general strike against the modification of the statutes of the Spill Magisterial to see what is the response of the teachers to their call.
“I summon the general secretary of Sutep, I summon him, because he has said that we are on alert and ‘we are going to call a general strike defending the Teacher Spill’. I summon him, to call a general strike to see if the teachers are going to respond because the teachers have told me now that they are going to mobilize so that this Supreme Decree is implemented and that this use of some means (…) does not have to happen”, The head of the Minedu referred to Successful.
Likewise, the minister reiterated that his sector works according to the labor rights of teachers, administrative workers and assistants. “This is a task and a cry from the teachers that we have wanted to attend to and that no administration has attended to. And why hasn’t he attended, because this was one of the situations that allowed them to have a quieter job. And that issue, we, we don’t look at management that way “held.
Similarly, he called for teachers to be consulted for their opinion on the modification of the Statute of the Teacher Spill that enables the election of its board of directors and main authorities through the vote of teachers from all over Peru.
“Let the teachers be consulted. I am going to see how to have an application so that teachers can freely express themselves and we can have the statistics based on how they have reacted to this topic”, pointed out.
Sutep is pronounced
For his part, the general secretary of Sutep rejected the declarations of Minister Rosendo Serna. “The truth is that the situation that Minedu has today is precisely due to inefficient people who do not meet the expectations that teachers have. That is why our mobilization on July 21, where the teachers of the country are going to mobilize. National mobilization because we do not want to affect our students”.
“The Lord does not have to challenge anyone, he has to respond to the challenges that to date he has not been able to face and for the same reason, if he is a prudent, wise person, he would have to step aside and present his resignation”, he asserted.