Morena’s original proposal for this open parliament was to hold 22 sessions over a month and a half, until August 23, and with a format in which “three in general in favor of the presidential initiative and three against” would speak, and presumably all initiatives presented by legislators will be taken into account.
However, the Political Coordination Board (Jucopo) of the Chamber of Deputies now approved holding an inaugural session on Monday, July 11, but the calendar to continue the sessions was not agreed upon.
In previous meetings of the Jucopo, the opposition had expressed its rejection of holding open parliament forums such as those that have characterized the 64th and 65th Legislatures, since the resulting legislative products do not modify anything or almost nothing about the initiatives of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. .
According to the topics endorsed for the open parliament forum, the topics will be addressed: electoral system, electoral institutions, party system and electoral inclusion and diversity.
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The proposal contemplates carrying out, as in the electricity reform parliament, an open parliament with four different formats: debate sessions in the Jucopo, in tables of legislative Commissions, debate format in the Canal del Congreso -with four speakers- and forums regional.