The president of Great North Parliament and lieutenant governor of La Rioja, Florence Lopez, began this Thursday the XLVI Plenary Meeting of that groupwhich takes place in the Chamber of Deputies of Santiago del Estero.
López remarked to the press that there are several issues that unite them as a region and among the main ones he said that he is “transport subsidy”since “both the governors and all the officials of the provinces are asking the national government very firmly, not to increase the amount of resources in the budget, but rather to obtain a fair redistribution of those subsidies.”
“We know that more than 75% of the money allocated to subsidies remain in CABA to the detriment of all the northern provinces,” he said, adding that “we are going to emphasize so that we can correct this tremendous asymmetry.”
Another issue that he mentioned “is the fuel deficit that we are experiencing and that generates a great inconvenience, not only what has to do with the circulation of our citizens and provincials, but also with what has to do with our production.”
“There are productions from our provinces that have been paralyzed due to lack of diesel fuel“, he indicated, and stated that they know “that the national government has issued a series of measures to go ahead and fix this issuebut we from the North are going to strongly propose that these solutions also be looking at our production”.
At the same time, he stressed that they will work on “the creation of a strategic infrastructure plan for the entire north“, especially in the road, energy and railway areas, because “we know that no one is saved alone and promoting a work individually does not have the strength that 10 provinces, 10 deputy governors, more than 100 provincial legislators, plus our national deputies and senators and our governors can promote”.
López said that they also promote “energy generation works, since the provinces have presented renewable, ecological energy projects and today they are not authorizing us the possibility of selling that energy or authorizing those projects.”
“That is why we ask the national legislators to approve even 50% of the projects presented by the governors of this great north, so that we can be self-sufficient in energy in our provinces,” he added.
I feel proud that for the first time in history the Norte Grande Region has its parliament, and even more so that I can preside over it.
Today in Santiago del Estero we concretize it with the signing of the NOA Expansion Pact@CarlosSilvaNed1 @analiarach @andresmarocco @rrdusso ⬇️– Florence López (@Florelop) June 23, 2022