The plenary of the Chamber approved today (21) a provisional measure that creates the Digital Microcredit Simplification Program for Entrepreneurs (SIM Digital) and establishes measures to encourage the formalization of small businesses. The text goes to the Senate for analysis.
The rapporteur, Deputy Luis Miranda (Republicans-DF), changed the text sent by the Executive and increased the value of loans, originally they were R$ 1 thousand for individuals and R$ 3 thousand for individual microentrepreneurs (MEI). In the approved text, these amounts were BRL 1,500, in the case of individuals, or BRL 4,500 for MEIs.
The MP also authorizes the use of R$ 3 billion from the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS) to guarantee microcredit operations and changes rules on infractions for failure to pay amounts to the fund by companies.
The government’s expectation is that the Digital SIM will benefit a total of 4.5 million entrepreneurs. Until April of this year, Caixa had granted credit to more than 1 million people with this guarantee.
* With information from the Câmara de Notícias Agency