For Morena, the times of the presidential succession are perfect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, pointed out that there are no longer covered as in the past, now everything will be done with the uncovered, jokingly calling the morenista applicants as “the corcholatas”.
In the game of the covered and uncovered Andrés Manuel, he did not have in his head as his server the character of “the corcholata” of the immense Carmen Salinas in the movie “Bellas de Noche”, dear reader, your conclusions are not the responsibility of this column .
In the imaginary of the tribes, whoever secures the candidacy for the presidency will have an easy victory in 2024, for the dark-haired people the competition is in their own party.
Morena, her allies and her cheerleader intellectuals, perceive a dilapidated, conservative opposition and without figures that could compete with their supercorcholatas.
In the game of bottle caps, Marcelo Ebrard held a political rally in Guadalajara on Sunday, June 19, to uncover himself, paradoxically and despite AMLO’s statement that everything changed, Don Marcelo asserted that AMLO has uncovered him 5 times in the mornings, as if convincing himself that he has the permission and blessing of the magic finger. Like in the old days pure gatopardismo.
For his part, Ricardo Monreal, without clarifying his absence at the corcholata party, pointed out: the polls to elect the presidential candidate with a brunette and his rallies are anticipated campaign events. Dr. Monreal, when is he here a defender of the INE and good electoral customs?
In this regard, Mr. Ebrard, correcting his disciple Mario Delgado, commented: a survey will be carried out to elect “an internal partisan position”, that said survey will deal with the ideal person to lead the “national coordination for the defense of the fourth transformation”, for Therefore, there are no crimes or electoral irregularities to prosecute. In other words, vitamin atole for the finger of you know who.
For now Don Marcelo decided to run away alone, to see if his legs are enough to score the polls from end to end, perhaps some gregarious will join him on this long road, Alito, Don Monreal and Dante Delgado looking for someone to occupy them.
Dear reader, I believe that the general coordinator for the defense of the fourth transformation, whoever he may be, will be in charge of evicting the project of “the beloved” president. He breeds bottle caps and they will gouge out your eyes.
Until next time.
The usual
Political scientist and lawyer, academic, columnist, president of citizens without a party and proud Mexican.