The president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, Sergio Massa, and other pro-government legislators will present a project this week to generate tax relief for self-employed workers and bring forward the updating of the Monotax scalesLegislative sources reported this Sunday.
The president of the Lower House highlighted these days before the press that the raising of the floor of the salary amount for the deduction of Earnings -something more than $280,000 per month- seeks to “defend the purchasing power of salaries.”
And he announced that work is being done “on a proposal that alleviates the situation of the self-employed and monotributistas.”
Therefore, this week, possibly in the first days, A proposal will be released that addresses the self-employment and monotax regimes so that the income of the taxpayers of those systems “does not lose against inflation,” Mass said.a.
The initiative will take the form of a project that will be presented in Congress to be debated by legislators.
Massa himself works on the project accompanied by his colleagues Leandro Santoro and Mónica Litza and plans to advance to July part of the annual update of the monotax, which is usually done from January 1 of each year due to the retirement mobility formula, said the parliamentary sources.
In the first half of this year, pensions and other benefits paid by ANSES accumulated a rise of 29.1% (due to the increases in March and June), they highlighted.
The spokespersons pointed out that “The initiative developed by Massa and his technical team aims for this percentage to be used to update the billing scales of the different categories of the Monotax from July 1, 2022”.
In addition, it would not include an increase in the monthly installments to be paid, but “only an update of the maximum billing limits is sought so that the 4.5 million monotributistas do not have to jump to a larger scale, or be left out of the Simplified Regime , if its turnover grew in nominal terms due to the effect of inflation”.
The proposal aims to “be underway in July when the monotributistas must make the second mandatory recategorization of the year,” they stressed.
On the self-employed reached by the Income Tax -about 140 thousand-, the solution being evaluated is focused on increasing deductions so that the non-taxable minimum is “more equitable or closer to that applied by employees in a dependency relationship”, he was ahead.
It seeks to equate the deductions of the self-employed with those of employees in a dependency relationship, but -the sources clarified- “without losing sight of the fact that the majority of these independent workers, fundamentally professionals, can make other deductions that the law does not allow employees in a dependency relationship”.
Likewise, it is analyzed as the next step to have “an adjustment mechanism that is due to salary evolution or the mobility formula that until now determines the amounts that these taxpayers must pay monthly as a retirement contribution.”