Blas Llano, national senator for the PLRA, released the “Ranking of public institutions that do not respond to requests requested by Congress.” The table of positions has in first place the National Institute for Rural and Land Development (Indert) with 20 requests for undelivered reports.
The count was carried out from March 2021 to May 2022. And it consists of 101 unanswered requests for reports.
In second place is the Itaipu binational with 18 unanswered requests. Third is the Yacyretá Binational Entity (EBY) with six unanswered requests. The same amount for the National Electricity Administration (ANDE), which is in fourth position. And finally, completing the batch of top five, the Ministry of the Environment (Mades) also with six requests for reports without answers.
“The Chamber does not flinch or do anything in the face of this situation,” Llano questioned during his presentation.
Article 192 of the National Constitution on the request for reports from the National Congress establishes the following; “The chambers can request reports on matters of public interest that they deem necessary from the other State Powers, from autonomous, autarchic and decentralized entities, and from public officials, except for jurisdictional activity. Those affected are obliged to respond to the requests for reports within the period indicated to them, which may not be less than 15 days,” it reads verbatim.
According to Law 5,453/2015, which regulates Article 192 of the National Constitution, in case of non-compliance, the Chamber will reiterate the request for reports, granting a period of 10 additional business days. In the event of verifying a new breach, it will give rise to the exercise of powers conferred in the National Constitution to the Chambers of Congress.