The nationalist deputy Rodrigo Goñi said in a meeting with the group of young people from the List 40 that they will participate in the youth elections of the National Party. what “responsible freedom”, the government’s basic strategy for its fight against the coronavirus pandemic, “brings together the best of the left and the right”,
“There has always been that antithesis that has separated ideologies and parties. What (Luis) Lacalle Pou really achieves is that the idea of responsible freedom integrates the best of the left with equality and the best of the right with freedom.” “Goñi explained to The Observer.
In these youth elections, which will be held in October and which are the first of this type to be held with the National Party as government, the group led by Goñi and Javier García, Minister of Defence, is seeking “Promote a new idea and a path that Lacalle Pou is promoting” Y “attract young” of different parties to defend this concept of responsible freedom.
The intention is to do so through advocacy for educational reform: “Without education there is no freedom”explained Goñi, who understands that this is a cause that “encompasses all young people”, and that “encounters resistance, especially at the union level”.
“Faced with the threats that exist today, the technological revolution has a great threat towards inequality. Those who do not have a good education will not have access to anything, they will be truly marginalized. In this world, with that threat, responsibility implies equality, it implies working for that equality”, emphasized the white deputy.
In the meeting with the youth group of the List 40, the objective of “convince all young people that there is no future in Uruguay if there is no educational reform”said the deputy.
Conversing with the @Young40 about the need for them to be the protagonists of this new idea promoted by our President @LuisLacallePou: RESPONSIBLE FREEDOM, which synthesizes the best of our history and projects us to a better Uruguay
– Rodrigo Goñi Reyes (@DipRodrigoGoni) May 21, 2022
To this end, Goñi stressed that the young people plan to carry out mobilizations to defend the educational reform promoted by the current administrationthat they can also “overcome the resistance” unions.