But what does the law say?
In the agreement released by the Court, it is established to the Chamber of Deputies that:
“If the previous requirement is ignored, a fine will be imposed in accordance with article 59, first section of the Federal Code of Civil Procedures, of supplementary application in terms of article one of the aforementioned Regulatory Law, and will proceed in terms of the final part of article 46, of the regulatory law”.
Said article states that “if within 48 hours after the notification of said execution requirement was not fulfilled, when the nature of the act so allows, no execution order is found or its fulfillment is direct, the president of the SCJN will turn the matter over to the rapporteur minister so that he submits to the plenary session the project by which the last paragraph of article 105 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States is applied.”
The regulatory law of sections one and two of article 105 of the Constitution indicate:
“Article 46, the sentenced parties will inform the President of the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation, within the term granted by the sentence, of its fulfillment, who will decide if it has been duly fulfilled.”
While Article 59 of the Code of Civil Procedures states that: the courts, to enforce their determinations, may use, at their discretion, the following means of enforcement:
I.- Fine up to the amount of 120 days of the general minimum wage in force in Mexico City
II.- The aid of the public force.
If the pressure is insufficient, the rebel will be prosecuted for the crime of disobedience.