The Comptroller General’s Office detected irregular payments to officials of the José Carlos Mariátegui Public Higher Education Institute, in Moquegua, since they themselves approved regulations and directives that allowed them to charge a “diet” for carrying out the admission process from 2017 to 2020, facts that they contravene the Law of Institutes and the Supreme Decree that regulates the resources directly collected.
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Report No. 001-2022-2-0737-SCE (Period from January 1, 2017 to December 30, 2020) showed that they approved the payment of a “diet” for their own benefit and caused an alleged case of double economic perception.
Irregular diets were paid
The audit revealed that, in 2017, 1,200 soles was paid as a per diem to each member of the admission commission; in 2018 the same amount and 400 soles were paid to the DREMO representative; in 2019 the diet was S/ 1,575; and in 2020 each one was paid S/ 2,137.50. These facts caused economic damage of S/ 28,562.50.
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The 16 officials and former officials involved in the irregularities are: Maclive Maquera, Juan del Carpio, José Vásquez, Santiago Colana, German Revilla, Felipe Apaza, María Arámbulo, Ángel Centeno, Luz Murillo, Freddy Fernández, Celina Cáceres, Delia Ticona, Ana Arpita , Luis Cotrado Mamani, María Toledo and Roni Madueño.
Generated service orders
It was identified that in allusion to the “diet” they generated service orders under the hiring “academic supervision, management and evaluation service”, with terms of reference, where the positions of each member of the commission were recorded.
The Admission Commissions were made up of five members: president, secretary, member, treasurer and overseer. These positions were occupied by the general director, head of the academic unit (day shift, morning, afternoon or night), the head of the administrative unit of the institute and a representative of the Moquegua Regional Directorate of Education (DREMO).