The Councilor of the National District for the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), Liz Miesespointed out today that this mayor’s office works as a single body regardless of the supporter colors.
“In the case of National District we have created a single body regardless of political parties and partisan colors; and we have worked in synergy with the administration together with Carolina Mejia“, said.
By participating in “TODAY TV«, the councilor highlighted the role they have played from the Chapter House to make it closer to the citizens.
“The most important and fundamental thing that we have dealt with within the management firm, both the current president and the others who have passed during the administration have wanted these councilors to be closer to the citizens and knowledgeable because most do not even know the powers of the councillors,” he said.
Read: Liz Mieses on police reform: “More than necessary, it is mandatory”
“As a result of time, a culture of patronage has been created, where a councilor receives from recipes to the real problems that are garbage collection; filter wells; traffic problems with a street. We are the mediating entity between the communities and the administration of the city council”, said Mieses.
He highlighted the role played by the councilors after the projects are approved and their subsequent control so that they are fulfilled.
“We as auditors of the administration maintain that the projects are presented to the room first. Depending on the type of project, they go to commissions and after approval, our work is to be able to verify that this budget is really being used in said projects”, added Liz Mieses.