The Ministry of Work and Welfare launched today (5) the Sustainable Work Program. It is a set of guidelines for workers and employers on the importance of complying with labor protection standards, especially health and safety. The idea of the program is to promote responsible business conduct, respect for workers’ rights.
“It is a process of cultural change that is modernized every day, which not only knocks on companies’ doors to carry out inspections, but also consolidates itself as an intelligence unit. We will be able to identify problematic sectors, call civil society and workers’ representatives”, said the executive secretary of the ministry, Bruno Dalcolmo, at the launch of the program, in an online meeting.
For Dalcomo, companies need to be regularized and “be aware of the importance of being aligned with the Regulatory Framework, of respecting workers’ rights without reservations”.
The program has four axes of initiative: sectorial dialogue actions, training, campaigns and technological solutions. Participants also got to know the first products of the Sustainable Work Program aimed at employers, workers, as well as society as a whole.
Labor tax auditors demonstrated the Risk Assessment Tool for the Rural Work Risk Management Program (PGRTR)(), the Ipê Child Labor System it’s the Labor Self-Diagnosis for Responsible Business Conductdeveloped in partnership with the International Labor Organization (ILO).