Of the total, 14 thousand 739 provided food to one million 427 thousand children but 46% did not and “there was concern about the management of resources, since there was a lot of intermediation and the benefits did not reach everyone and, in some cases, , they were not applied in addition to the fact that irregularities were pointed out such as delays in payments to teachers, unjustified discounts; incomplete or late delivery of food; poor management of resources and overpricing in the purchase of inputs, ”he added.
But deputy Olga Luz Espinosa, of the PRD, stated that the official was questioned about the sources of that information and where the studies are published or can be obtained, but there was no response, “so Gómez only exposed generalities.”
In addition “he brought a presentation where he says that the benefits are going to be restored with the LEEN Program that only considers food and extended hours, but the ETC are much more than that, they have above all a pedagogical base and the secretary did not know anything about that until today,” he said.
And without that pedagogical base, LEEN will be “nursery” schools, he warned. Gómez “is completely unaware of everything and there are not even operating rules for the program. The meeting was a failure because we did not receive the answers, we were left with more doubts at the work table that was installed on the ETC”, added Espinosa, secretary of the Education Commission.
Among the unclarified doubts, he said, are: “How much is allocated for teacher training in the budget? How many investigations are there regarding the corruption that is said to exist in the full-time school programs and for which they ended? What is the number of children and adolescents who will benefit from the LEEN program?
Nor did it report, the PRDs warned, “which institutions carried out the measurements to determine the cancellation of full-time schools and where they are published, or who defined that free textbooks should have as part of their plan now in LEEN.”
The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) also made questions and there was no satisfaction with the answers either. Deputy Cynthia López Castro insisted that the disappearance of the ETCs will leave millions of children and mothers of affected families.
“When the ETC began there were 25,000, two years ago there were only 12,500, today we are without schools of this type and the main affected are working mothers, since they have nowhere to send their children during extended hours until four in the morning. the afternoon as the program was, “explained the priista.
He also claimed the format, because “they wanted to take care of the secretary, we are going to insist that she appear before the plenary session and not here secretly and through the back door.”