MADRID, Spain.- The #FreeAbelLescay movement denounced that its members are being harassed by State Security after presenting a letter addressed to the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel in which they condemned the 6 years of deprivation of liberty imposed on the music student Abel Lescay, a participant in the anti-government demonstrations of July 11, 2021 in Cuba.
The group, created last week by students, graduates and professors of the Instituto Superior de Arte (ISA), explained that “as a result of the letter published on the Facebook and Whatsapp platforms, they are under pressure for the use of prophylactic methods (such as citations, warning calls and insinuation of consequences of not abandoning).
All the participants in this initiative have signed voluntarily, the publication specifies; just as it highlights that “the laws within the framework of protests are relaxed if there is a will, because that is what it is about, to protest.”
“We understand that Abel can be fined, but not imprisoned for that reason,” it is added.
The FreeAbelLescay Movement also addressed the leadership of the Federation of University Students (FEU) which, as expected, supports the regime’s position.
“Regarding the FEU as an entity and through its recent statement we say that, if it is not interested in demanding justice for Abel, it could well do as it has done up to now, disregard. If what you want is to take matters into your own hands and represent our position of not allowing this injustice, we will gladly give it to you. We are all waiting for the FEU to do its duty. They can keep the credits”, they pointed out.
In the letter addressed to the Cuban president, it is explained that on July 11, 2021, Abel Lescay improvised a rap on public roads, and such an event, “in the context of the demonstrations, did not represent a trigger for public disorder,” one of the the crimes for which he is accused.
“Under the protection of current criminal legislation,” the document states, “Lescay’s behavior is not typical, that is: there were no cries of alarm at any time, no threats were made about a common danger, nor has it been shown that was intended to cause panic or riot. A healthy analytical exercise on what happened would be to go to the recording where the events are shown, and try to find some vestige of panic or tumult. The viewer will not appreciate any of that. Therefore, we do not consider pertinent the invocation of this criminal figure.
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