He Department of Education of the United States accredited for three years, in 2023, to 11 Dominican medical schoolswhich establishes that the training in the country is comparable to the North American one in this educational area. This year it must be renewed, but what does this validation represent?
Franklin García Fermín, Minister of Education Superior, Science and Technology, indicated that this certification allows the qualification of the schools Dominican Republic is valid in the United States.
However, this does not exempt the country’s students from taking the exam of License United States Medical Examiner (USMLE) to practice this career on US soil, since this is a requirement for both foreigners and locals.
“His qualification HE recognizejust like that of any graduate from a school medicine of the United States. Both students They have the same rights and duties,” said Franklin García Fermín.
Likewise, he pointed out that this certification indicates that there is a comparability in the training medical of both countries, which implies that both are at the same level, which results in greater prestige and recognition for local higher education institutions.
The schools of medicine validated
The schools validated were the following: Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (Unphu), Ibero-American University (Unibe), Organization and Method University (O&M), Catholic University of Cibao (Ucateci), Central University of the East ( UCE), Pontifical Catholic University Mother and Teacher (Pucmm), Technological University of Santiago (Utesa), Eugenio María de Hostos University (Uniremhos) and the Institute Santo Domingo Technological Institute (Intec).
“All the powerful countries in the world have to do the same. And this is not as simple as presenting it, you have to go before a court and show them that you really comply with the international standards of the teaching of medicine“explained the minister.
He also mentioned that this will allow students from all over the world want to come and study this career in the Dominican Republic, something that had been lost in the last 20 years. This, in turn, will generate dynamism in the local economy.