The Urban and Residential Cleaning Authority (AAUD) carried out a thorough cleaning and collection operation of organic waste and household goods in the Calidonia district this Saturday, together with staff from the Communal Council.
From early morning, “With Firm Steps” the AAUD work team, ants and collectors, carried out their sanitation work covering from Perejil to the paid area of El Marañón.
The director of operations, Alonso Filós, pointed out that the district of Calidonia faces a problem with homeless people, who break the bags and throw the garbage out of the tanks, scattering it everywhere. Because of this, the Sanitation Authority carries out cleaning and waste collection daily, in two shifts, both in the morning and in the afternoon. This effort is made in order to keep the area clean.
In addition, Filós announced that, in order to prevent the proliferation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, as well as bad odors, flies and vermin, the entity will continue carrying out these cleaning operations on weekends in the different districts of the capital district.
Various maintenance activities were carried out on this day, including sweeping, grass cutting and fumigation. Two dump trucks, two compactor trucks, two grid trucks and a backhoe were used. The operation involved the participation of 40 operations staff.