On the second day of her tour to the east of the capital city, Gaby Carrizo arrived in Pedregal, birthplace of great athletes who have brought glory to the country.
His passage through this town took him to the popular ‘multis’ of San Joaquín, where hundreds of residents waited for him with applause, music, selfies to remember and a wealth of displays of affection. In the place there were moments of great spirituality in which the candidate prayed and sang praises such as ‘I raise my hands’, together with the Principal singer and those present.
The presidential candidate also carried out walks and rallies in other iconic neighborhoods of the district, including El Nazareno, Altos de Pedregal, Montería and El Porvenir, where the reception was equally impressive. “I have come to Pedregal to guarantee you that our People’s Power will have the money they need to solve the people’s problems,” he said.
Gaby was accompanied on his tours by Elías Cárdenas (candidate for representative of the township), Cenobia Vargas, Rafael Buchanan and Nicolás Vargas, candidates for deputies of circuit 8-6 of the PRD.