Once again the time of the year is approaching when taxpayers of the Personal Income Tax (IRPF) and the Social Security Assistance Tax (IASS) they must make the affidavit to present it to the General Tax Directorate (DGI) with data for the year 2022.
starting Tuesday June 27th Those who must present the declaration will have available on the DGI website theThe online affidavit forms with information uploaded from your work activity in 2022.
In the case of dependent workers they can confirm or modify it by adding deductions, rental credits or correcting income or withholdings.
The independent workers they will be able to access the same form and must complete the income and withholdings for their activity.
While, retirees and pensioners with balance to pay and who are required to submit an affidavit may also use the online forms, with all the payments and withholdings from the different pension institutions. These data cannot be modified. Yes they will be able to add rental credits. They enter with a password that is withdrawn in collection networks by presenting an identity card.
digital identity
To be able to enter and check those forms it is required to have a digital identity key which allows access to DGI online services.
There are four types of digital identities:
User Gub.uy (formerly ID Uruguay)
Mobile Abitab Identity
Your Antel ID (Redpayments)
Electronic identity card
How do you get the user Gub.uy?
If the taxpayer already has a password previously obtained from DGI or collection networks:
1-) Enter as usual with identity card and password in the sector DGI user.
2-) Complete the additional contact information required and follow the instructions to continue with the process.
3-) Validate the data by email and activate your username and password. It is recommended to check the Spam folder because the message can be treated as spam. In some cases, it may take a few minutes for the verification email to arrive.
On your next login to Online Services, you will do so through the Digital Identities sector by typing CI and password.
If the taxpayer does not have a password
1-) You must go to DGI premises or citizen service points to register and verify your identity. There you must present the identity document with which you have registered and the signed user enablement form; If the holder does not attend, the signed form must be submitted with a notarial certification of signature and a photocopy of the holder’s identity document.
2-) Validate the data by email and activate your username and password. It is recommended to check the Spam folder because the message can be treated as spam. In some cases, it may take a few minutes for the verification email to arrive.
Enter the DGI services through the Digital Identities sector, typing CI and password.
How do you get Mobile Abitab Identity?
1-) The taxpayer performs a previous registration of your data via the web.
2-) You must go to an Abitab location to complete the registration and verify your identity.
3-) Validate the data by email and activate your username and password.
4-) Download the app and follow the instructions.
Enter DGI services through the Digital Identities sector, in the “Mobile Identity – Abitab” option. Following the instructions you will be able to authenticate through your cell phone.
How do you get your Antel ID?
1-) The taxpayer must go to a Redpagos location to register and verify their identity.
2-) Validate the data by email and activate your username and password.
3-) Download the app and follow the instructions.
Enter the DGI services through the Digital Identities sector, in the “TuID-Antel” option. Following the instructions you will be able to authenticate through your cell phone.
How do you enter the services with an electronic identity card?
The taxpayer enters the DGI services using a card reader for an electronic identity card, and enters the pin associated with his card.
He next video It explains step by step how to obtain the identity for each of the modalities.
2023 Affidavit Campaign
Those who are exempt
Dependent workers with a single income that did not exceed $840,345 nominal in 2022and who simultaneously did not opt for the 5% reduction in advances for the family nucleus regime.
Dependent workers with a single income that did exceed a nominal $840,345, but who received income in December 2022 – the company already made the annual adjustment that month – and did not opt for the 5% reduction in advances by the regime family core.
Workers who provide personal services outside of the dependency relationship who have had no income in the period January-December 2022. And workers who have chosen to liquidate as a family nucleus.
Those who must declare
Workers who have more than one job and whose income has been greater than $840,345 nominal between January and December 2022.
Those who had a single employer in all of last year and exceeded that amount, but in December did not receive income must also present the affidavit.
Independent workers, professionals and non-professionals, who have provided personal services outside of the dependency relationship during the year 2022 and have not paid IRAE.
Individuals with income from leases that were not subject to withholding and who have not made the corresponding advances. The same for the remaining capital income (interest, capital gains, foreign movable capital income, etc.) that were not subject to withholding.
Retirees with more than one passivity who have received nominal income of more than $840,345 throughout 2022.