The Minister of Education, Marco Antonio Avila, released this Friday the school attendance figures for March 2023. These increased four points compared to the same month last year. The stadium secretary reported on it in a new session of the Educational Reactivation Council.
“Global school attendance in our country rose 4 points, from 85% to 89%. This, although little can be seen, means that almost 2.5 million students in our educational system today present normal or outstanding attendance, that is, greater than 90%,” said Minister Ávila.
“We do not want any triumphalist speech, but rather we are thinking that we have to continue on the same path,” he said.
Specifically, more than 2,300,000 students (70% of the enrollment) registered normal or outstanding attendance, that is, greater than 90%.
Reduces serious school absenteeism
Minister Ávila also highlighted that serious school absenteeism (attendance less than 85%) decreased by 13% compared to March of last year.
“Although March 2022, when the Government’s administration began, we had 1,169,000 students with serious absenteeism, which represented 35% of our enrollment, we can today say, with a little more calm, that this was reduced by a 13%”, detailed the Secretary of State.
Ñuble and Biobío are the regions that reduced their serious absenteeism the most, with -22% and -19%, respectively.