The National Party’s List 40 launched the campaign in defense of the Law of Urgent Consideration with an act in Sayago, in which Defense Minister Javier García spoke.
In this framework, the Secretary of State expressed that “it is not the 135 articles that are at stake, because if they have an effect, the FA calls for a vote for ‘Yes’ and if they have an opposite effect, they also vote ‘Yes’. The call of the leaders of the Broad Front is to hold an anti-government referendum”.
Security and public companies
García assured that today “Uruguay is safer, with less crime, less theft, less robbery and less cattle rustling, and whoever says otherwise is lying.”
“The Uruguayans asked us to govern and to face insecurity as quickly as possible,” he remarked.
On the other hand, he referred to public companies. “We have a Uruguay where public companies are stronger today than before the LUC. Or does anyone doubt that ANTEL, the emblematic company of the Uruguayans, is today more of all, than before the LUC?
“This is a very popular law. This is a popular and fair law, and it is good that it is popularly defended on the street”, he remarked.
García said that the current campaign defends the word. “Of course, the political leader, the ruler, has to have material honesty, that is an obligation, but, in addition, he must have intellectual honesty and honor his word. It is an obligation that the political leader, in addition to material honesty, has intellectual honesty”.