Municipal high schools and colleges Florida Educationhave, since Friday March 3, with “school brigade members” that are part of the Colegio Seguro campaign.
An initiative whose central axis is to protect the road safety of students and that they can cross, in a calm and orderly manner, the zebra crossings located at the corners of educational establishments.
Through this deployment, the entry and exit of students will be safeguarded, which is highly valued by high school and college directives. “We are very happy and reassured to see that you are taking care of the safety of the students. Many vehicles pass in this sector.said the director of the Florida Municipal High School, Rene Spormanwho thanked La Florida Education for this strategy.
Likewise, the 25 school brigade members carry “stop” and “go” signs for proper traffic flow at the entrance to the high schools and colleges in the La Florida commune. Said equipment will be operational during the first weeks of March, which is when the greatest flow of vehicles and people is noticeable in the streets.
“We wanted to do the return to school in a special way and what better than to protect children and parents. March is a month with a lot of traffic, which is why, along with demarcating the zebra crossings for street crossings, we wanted to accompany the students with school brigades so that they can enter the high schools and schools calmly”explained the general secretary of Health and Education Florida, Janett Fernández.
Axes of the return to classes
The keys to this beginning of the school year are given by four key areas that high schools and colleges must work on: educational projects, the citizen training plan, a school safety plan and adequately managing school coexistence.
As a preliminary milestone of the “Colegio Seguro” milestone, emanating from La Florida Educación, on Wednesday, March 1, directors, teachers and education assistants of the 26 high schools and municipal schools, in addition to the directors of 15 kindergartens, were inoculated with the annual or bivalent vaccine against covid-19.
A clear sign of empathy, responsibility and commitment from the directors and directors, to receive the thousands of students who, this Friday, March 3, began their 2023 academic year.