District deputy Chico Vigilante (PT) will chair the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) into anti-democratic acts in the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District. Deputy Jaqueline Silva (without party) took the vice-presidency and Deputy Hermeto (MDB) will be the rapporteur.
The names were chosen unanimously by the seven titular members of the CPI, after a meeting behind closed doors. The commission will investigate acts of vandalism in the center of the federal capital on December 12 and the invasion of the headquarters of the Three Powers on January 8.
With five government deputies and two opposition deputies, the CPI elected Chico Vigilante (opposition parliamentarian) to command the work through an agreement sewn by the parliamentarians. The CPI will last for 180 days and may be extended for another three months, depending on the investigations.
Members of the CPI, district deputy Joaquim Roriz Neto (PL) said that he already has two requests for summons prepared: that of the testimonies of the former Minister of Justice and former Secretary of Public Security of the Federal District Anderson Torres and that of the mechanic Antônio Cláudio Ferreira, who destroyed a clock belonging to Dom João VI in the Planalto Palace.