Mario Abdo Benítez, President of the Republic, offered a greeting from the Diplomatic Corps and International Organizations accredited to the National Government, on the occasion of the year-end festivities. The act took place at the Government Palace on Tuesday morning.
On the occasion, the Head of State asked for patience from international organizations, representatives of the European Union, in the face of the politicization of millionaire resources that this international organization contributes to our country and that are destined for education.
“I want to refer to the representative of the European community and ask for their tolerance at the moment in which such an important contribution to education was politicized by the electoral process. I tell his representative that Paraguay values the contribution of the European community and until August of next year they will have our support to continue working together in a process that should not be interrupted, ”he said.
At the end of November, the Chamber of Deputies repealed the European Union financing agreement for the support program for the education system in Paraguay. The project passed to the Senate for its study, however, it was postponed until after the parliamentary recess (it will last until March 1).
The financing of US$ 38 million has been controversial because, according to conservative social groups, it would be tied to an educational transformation plan with a gender focus. The Ministry of Education has denied that the plan has such intentions and the President of the Republic, Mario Abdo Benítez, declared to the media that his government will not promote gender ideology in schools and colleges.