after being accused of collecting quotas to occupy the position of sub-prefectthe general secretary of the Magisterial and Popular Party, Rosa Luz Perez Ramirezcounterattacked and affirmed that the former sub-prefect Juan Carlos Jaquehua defames her because “he has not achieved his personal appetites.”
Pérez Ramírez declared that Jaquehua resigned from the appointed position when he saw that his salary was S/ 2,800 and then he preferred to go to work as secretary of legislator Alex Paredes with an emolument of S/ 6,500.
“The man wanted to be regional prefect, but he did not have the confidence of the president (Pedro Castillo), then he asked to be put as provincial sub-prefect. He did it, but when he saw that his salary was only going to be S / 2,800, he went to work with Congressman Alex Paredes. He is his secretary and charges S / 6,500. He gave up the provincial subprefecture to earn more. That is his identity,” she stated.
He also alluded to “the roots of Congressman Paredes.” He mentioned that the parliamentarian was not elected by the teachers and that he along with others went to offer their support when the Popular and Teachers’ Party was in formation, but that Paredes is not part of the political group.
“It was not and will not be, because it has other political ambitions. He was not elected by the magisterium either, he never represented it. He was proposed by Mrs. Silvia Salas, she proposed him, she manipulated a group of teachers, “said Rosa Pérez.
In addition, he insisted that he has not charged for the appointment of sub-prefects and said that, for this purpose, they are looking for social leaders who have done an efficient job to solve the population’s problems. Based on this, the party summons them and then “the president is the one who appoints them.”