Taking advantage of the fact that the court gave him the opportunity to take the judicial process outside the prison, Pablo Mitma Sotacuro ended up breaking the rules of conduct and disappearing from the sight of the justice operators.
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The subject is being prosecuted at the fiscal and judicial level for having kidnapped a young woman with mental disabilities, but was caught when he was posing as an evangelical pastor.
On February 27, 2020, Mitma’s defense managed to get the court to declare the request for preventive detention presented by the Prosecutor’s Office unfounded.
However, the subject had to report every 30 days to the Acobambino court and, in addition, had to pay an economic bond of 400 soles; This, with the purpose of carrying out the process with an appearance with restrictions, that is, taking the case out of jail, but with some limitations.
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After getting rid of the burdensome measure, the subject did not comply with the bond, nor with the report to the court, despite the fact that he was notified at his home on several occasions, practically, the investigated disappeared.
Given this, the prosecutor Inés Sinchitullo presented a revocation of appearance for one of preventive detention, which was approved by the court for a period of 9 months.
It should be noted that the fugitive is being investigated for a case of kidnapping to the detriment of a 27-year-old girl who has a mental disability.
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According to the tax statement, from February 16 to 23, 2020, Mitma kept the young woman kidnapped
On February 16, the victim was alone in her home, which is located in Andabamba. That was used by the investigated to take the young woman; and it was not until February 23 that, in the district of Julcamarca, the investigated person, posing as an evangelical pastor, asked for accommodation in a church, but was caught in his lie.
The subject would also be investigated for another crime, because the Prosecutor’s Office does not rule out that the subject has abused the young woman.
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On October 13, 2022, the conversion of the measure is declared consented.